If you want a whiter smile, you are not alone; there is great demand for teeth-whitening products, which is why there are so many on the market. But are these the best way to achieve white teeth? Read on to find out how to achieve the dazzling smile of your dreams in the safest and most effective ways.
1. Check your whitening toothpaste
Long-term use of whitening toothpastes can be potentially harmful to the teeth as they contain silica; silica is an abrasive agent added to whitening toothpastes to slough off the surface stains on your teeth quickly and easily.
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The Dangers of Incorrectly Fitting Dental Grills
If you're thinking of updating your image to copy that of one of your idols, you may be thinking of having a dental grill fitted.
A solid gold or platinum dental grill fitted across your teeth can be the ultimate item of bling, especially if you have a few gemstones included in the design. Grills can be a permanent fixture or a clip-on accessory to be worn occasionally, like a piece of jewellery.
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Braces Wearers: How Dentists Can Help You to Overcome Dental Issues That Develop
People who have been advised to wear braces in order to correct dental issues, such as misaligned teeth, normally have to wear those braces for an extended duration. Dental issues, such as suffering trauma to the teeth, may develop when you are wearing those braces. This article discusses some steps that professionals can take in response to some of those situations.
Soreness and Ulcers
Some people have sensitive dental tissues, such as gums.
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Mouthing Off: Seeing an Emergency Dentist
While we often ignore our oral health, sometimes that's no longer an option. Whether you chip a tooth at home and can't get a quick enough appointment with your regular dentist, or you are away on vacation with chronic tooth pain, there may come a time when you need to visit an emergency dentist. But what's the procedure for doing so, and how do you know whether it's worth making a visit?
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