
Can You Have All-on-4 Dental Implants If You Smoke?

If you need to have your natural teeth replaced by dentures, you may be considering using All-on-4 dental implants to fix your teeth into place. Like single implants, an All-on-4 procedure inserts implant posts into your jaw bone to hold false teeth. However, rather than having a post for each tooth, you'll have four posts on each of your arches to hold all your teeth. If you're worried about wearing regular dentures and want a more natural solution, this can be a good option.

Taking Care Of A Cracked Tooth

A tooth can crack when you are given a blow while playing contact sports like hockey, or when you least expect it to, such as when you are grinding hard on the tooth. Whatever the case, the crack comes with an unbearable amount of pain. At times, the crack is accompanied by swelling as well. The following are tips on how you can take care of a tooth immediately after it has cracked.

Did You Know That Slightly Crooked Teeth Can Be Fixed with the Same Stuff Used for Dental Fillings?

When it comes to teeth that are merely slightly crooked, a full set of braces might not be necessary. Your dentist might suggest dental veneers, which are wafer-thin pieces of porcelain composite that are bonded to your front teeth. They simply reshape the teeth in question, giving them a more agreeable alignment and filling in any gaps. But these veneers can represent a significant investment, even when a portion of the cost might be covered by your insurance provider or another type of rebate.

Suspect Your Child Has an Eating Disorder? How Oral Health Can be an Indicator

Eating disorders are estimated to affect 9% of the Australian population, and they can have a damaging effect on much of a sufferer's life. And, while sufferers of eating disorder may do everything they can to hide their problem, the effects of eating disorders can often be seen on their teeth. In fact, a 2014 study found that signs of eating disorders were easily discovered by dentists and concluded that dentists played a big role in the early detection of eating disorders.

3 Ways Your Dentist Can Help You Sleep

Sleeping well can play an important role in your overall health and wellbeing. As you rest during sleep, your body begins to repair and restore cells and hormones related to the growth of new tissue and bone are released. If you are having trouble sleeping, help might come from an unlikely place: your dentist. As well as keeping your teeth clean and gums healthy, your dentist can also help with a range of problems which can impact the quality of your sleep.

Why Has Your Denture Plate Warped?

Some damage to dentures is easy to understand. For example, if you accidentally drop your teeth, you won't be surprised if they crack or break. However, some damage to false teeth may be a little more perplexing. If you put your dentures in and notice that they don't fit right, then the denture's plate may have warped and changed shape. What causes a denture to warp and how can you fix it?

Managing Root Canal Pain: Can Cucumber Help?

If you're waiting to see your dentist because you think you have an infection and need root canal treatment, you may need to manage some fairly intense pain until you can get to your appointment. While taking analgesic medication may take the edge off the throbbing, it may not be enough to get rid of all the pain completely. To boost your pain relief, you can try reaching into the fridge and using some cucumber.

Sugar-Free Gum and Oral Health: How Much Gum Should You Chew?

Chewing on sugar-free gum can be a useful way of keeping your teeth and gums clean and healthy between your morning and evening brushing sessions. Regular chewing can also help prevent dental problems such as decay and gum disease by helping your mouth counter the negative effects of plaque, acid and sugar. To get the best effects from gum, you may want to establish a daily chewing routine. What Are Best Times to Chew Sugar-Free Gum?

Dinner Ideas for People with Braces

The first week of having new braces can really put a dent in your child's ability to eat the dinners that you might usually put on the table, and it may, at times, feel like he or she has reverted back to babyhood. But, don't despair! After a week or so things will become a lot more easy, and your child will able to graduate onto foods with more texture. For now, here are some handy tips for good, healthy meals your child can eat during the first week adjustment period.

Teeth Whitening: One Easy Way to Increase Your Self-confidence

There are a lot of ways to feel happier in yourself; things like eating healthily, exercising regularly, meditating, and spending time with friends and family can all contribute to your well-being. In addition to these activities, taking small steps to enhance your physical appearance can also give you a confidence boost. Whilst looks certainly aren't everything, taking the time to make sure you look your best has been shown to be an effective way to improve your mood.