Exploring Oral Health Symptoms, Issues and Solutions

How Does Laser Teeth Whitening Work?

Like it or not, other people make judge you by your appearance. The way that you look can have a big implication when it comes to getting a promotion at work on the one hand, or getting somebody to agree to go out with you on a date on the other. While you don't have any control over your genetics and how you look in general you can certainly control one of the most important visual aspects – your smile. How has laser technology come to the rescue in recent times, when it comes to developing a brighter, whiter smile?

Good for Sensitive People

While at one time a relatively rare solution, laser teeth whitening is now commonplace and generally regarded as the better of several alternate solutions. It is especially palatable if you have sensitive gums or general tooth sensitivity.


Before the dentist can proceed the teeth need to be properly cleaned, so that all surrounding plaque has been removed. This is usually undertaken by a hygienist during one or more visits. The more plaque that is removed the less chance of any discolouration during the laser procedure.

The Procedure

When all of this has been done, the dentist will then apply a gel which is composed of carbamide dioxide. A special rubber shield (or alternatively a protective cloth) is used in order to shield the surrounding gums from the stinging effect of the peroxide gel.

How It Works

Then, the dentist will shine the laser onto the tooth beneath the gel. This will help to lift the discolouration away from the surface of the teeth and can achieve a final result that is several times lighter than before. The laser light is used simply to speed up the natural cleaning activity provided by the gel. The laser activates the chemical to simplify the procedure.

More Effective Than Home Treatments

This process is especially effective in removing very deep-rooted stains and is usually seen as being more effective than other treatments designed for you to use at home. Usually, this can be done in simply one office visit, but if you have unusually dark stains and may have had a history of smoking for example, you may need more than one visit to get the optimum effect.

A Painless Procedure

It's important to remember that laser teeth whitening does not involve any pain and therefore does not require any anaesthetic preparation. The surrounding sensitive gums are protected before the procedure begins.
