Exploring Oral Health Symptoms, Issues and Solutions

What are some signs of advanced gum disease?

Advanced gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is a type of infection of the gums. It can affect your teeth, gums, and overall oral health. It is important to pay attention to the signs and symptoms so you can see your dentist for treatment. Here are some common signs of advanced gum disease.

There Are Changes to Your Gums

With advanced gum disease, you will first notice some obvious changes to your gums. With regular gum disease, your gums may have appeared pink and slightly puffy, but they tend to become bright red and swollen with advanced gum disease. They often swell so much that you can feel the gums on the inside of your lips, or they start to pull away from your teeth. The gums may also feel tender to the touch. Another sign is that the gums start bleeding more easily and more often. Instead of just bleeding when you are flossing your teeth, they might bleed while brushing and even while biting into some foods.

You Have Bad Breath That Doesn't Go Away

Some people with mild gum disease will have bad breath, but after brushing and flossing, or chewing gum, it will go away momentarily. With advanced gum disease, it is very difficult to improve your bad breath. Even just after swishing with mouthwash, you still have a significant breath odour. You may also notice that along with the bad bread, you have a persistent bad taste in your mouth. This is due to the infection, which can leak discharge from your swollen gums.

Your Teeth Are Changing

Any noticeable changes in your teeth could potentially be a sign of advanced gum disease. For example, gum disease can start becoming loose or separating, leading to extra gaps between your teeth. Gum disease can also cause your teeth to appear longer than they used to look. Also pay attention to how your teeth come together when you bite. If they don't fit together like they used to, they might be shifting slightly. A change in your teeth is not always noticeable unless you started with completely straight teeth. However, look for small changes, such as a bite that is different, or like bigger food debris seems to be get caught between two teeth. This can be a sign that your gap is starting to get bigger due to the gum disease.

If you suspect you have any form of gum disease, see your dentist right away for an exam and proper treatment.
